A message from Elevated Insights Assessment owners, Dr. Jennifer Paz Ryan and Dr. Kate Colón:

2020 has taught us that we need one another more than ever. We are stronger when we stand together. Although there is nothing we can do to change the past, we can work towards a brighter future. Elevated Insights Assessment stands strong as an ally and advocate. We believe that Black Lives Matter. We stand with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), American Psychological Association (APA), the National Association of Latinx Psychologists (NLPA) and many other strong organizations, recognizing that we operate in a system based on power, privilege, and oppression. We are saddened and angered by the continued brutality and dehumanization that Black communities continue to encounter and the intergenerational trauma that impacts the younger generation. As a woman-owned business, valuing culture, diversity, abilities, and foremost humanity, we pledge to do the following:

We will initiate and engage in courageous conversations about our own privileges, specifically how our skin tones and complexions impact our behaviors and the way we are received in the world.

We will educate ourselves on the history of oppression and racism, and work towards breaking down institutionalized racism as we continue to work within these systems.

We will not be bystanders! We will not allow racist jokes, comments, remarks to go unchallenged and we will not stand for bigotry, hate, or unacceptance of any kind.

We will provide resources and guidance for families and individuals seeking to increase their awareness about race, colorism, inequality and encourage conversations on privilege and power.

We will support groups and organizations that fight for social justice and will use our voting power to demand that our elected officials put an end to force and violence against Black lives.

We will teach our own children to value humanity, celebrate differences, standup for others, and embrace diversity.

We will #SayTheirNames and remember: Trayvon Martin, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Alton Sterling, George Floyd

We commit to our roles are life-long learners, adopting a lens of cultural humility.


Want to learn more? Click here for a list of resources.