
Have You Downloaded Playfully Yet?


Did you know? We've been working on an app for the last year that aims to help parents engage more deeply and form a stronger bond with their young children, ages 0-3. Our app, Playfully, provides parents with developmental tips and daily activity ideas that support and encourage their child's growth. Parents who use Playfully [...]

Have You Downloaded Playfully Yet?2024-09-15T13:32:45-06:00

Playfully Launches Activities for 30-36 Months


Playfully recently released content for 30-36-month-olds! Learn how you can engage with your two and a half to three-year-olds by indulging in their endless questions, giving them chances to express their independence, setting up scenarios for pretend play, jumping, running and riding trikes, and playing games that involve taking turns. Playfully is an app designed [...]

Playfully Launches Activities for 30-36 Months2024-09-15T13:33:47-06:00

New iOS App for Caregivers


We're excited to introduce a new app for iOS called Playfully. Playfully is an app for caregivers that provides daily, simple and fun activities that can be done at home, that also support young children's growth and development. Elevated Insights Assessment Co-Founders, Kate and Jenn, have been contributing to the development of the content for the last seven months [...]

New iOS App for Caregivers2024-09-15T13:35:15-06:00
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