
Colorado Medicaid Public Health Emergency (PHE) is ENDING May 11, 2023


In January 2020, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced a Public Health Emergency in response to COVID-19. Legislation was passed which guaranteed anyone who was actively enrolled in the Health First Colorado Medicaid program could keep their health coverage during the PHE. Many of our families are Colorado Medicaid Members. So, how [...]

Colorado Medicaid Public Health Emergency (PHE) is ENDING May 11, 20232024-09-06T19:15:32-06:00

Back to School: The Power of Routine


The transition from summer break to the school year can be challenging for children and families alike. Shifts in bedtimes, early mornings, after-school activities, and homework completion are changes that can increase stress and wear on patience. Creating a routine helps children predict what lies ahead. It also supports development of organization and planning skills, [...]

Back to School: The Power of Routine2020-01-25T04:59:06-07:00
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