Our Autism Assessment Process

Our assessment process is personalized to ensure a thorough understanding of each individual’s needs. The evaluation typically involves:

The process begins with an in-depth discussion of developmental history. This involves gathering information from parents using a structured interview to understand ongoing concerns, goals for the assessment, and inform the testing battery.

A combination of clinical assessments, such as the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2) and/or the Monteiro Interview Guidelines for Diagnosing the Autism Spectrum (MIGDAS-2), cognitive, social language, and adaptive measures are used to evaluate behaviors, communication, and developmental milestones.

We use standardized questionnaires to gather detailed information from multiple perspectives — including parents, teachers, and, in some cases, the individual being assessed.

This step includes specific questionnaires to look for key indicators of autism throughout one’s development.

Our clinicians conduct collateral interviews with educators and/or providers working with the individual to get a fuller understanding of their functioning across settings.

After the evaluation, we meet to review test results, discuss diagnostic conclusions, and walk through tailored recommendations based on testing results. Recommendations cover intervention, academic, community, and home supports.

We provide a comprehensive report that includes a diagnosis (if appropriate), along with detailed recommendations for support and intervention.

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